Mailing List Categories
Non-Food Trader - sign up to receive opportunities to apply for a space at our events and festivals to sell non-edible products.
Food and Drink Trader - sign up to receive opportunities to apply for a space at our events and festivals to sell edible products.
Mobile Food Vendor (No Alcohol provision) - sign up to receive opportunities to apply for a space at our events and festivals to sell hot/cold food and drink.
Charity & Community Groups - sign up to receive opportunities to apply for a space at our events and festivals to promote your charity or community group.
Mobile Bar Vendor - sign up to receive opportunities to apply for bar tenders for our events and festivals.
Face/Body Painter & Balloon Seller - sign up to receive opportunities to apply to provide face/body painting services or have a space to sell balloons at our events and festivals.
Workshop Provider - sign up to receive opportunities to apply to provide a workshop at our events and festivals.